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Infor CPQ Helps Distributors...
Hello! I'm Deb Lopez, CPQ product specialist at Infor. I will be attending MUGA and look forward to meeting you. I work with the Infor CPQ solution. S...
Sunday, March 16th, 2025
Author: Deb Lopez

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CUGEX and Customer Defined Fields in M3 | Part 1
Monday, March 24th, 2025
Group: Vince
Monday, March 24th, 2025
Group: Vince


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Would like to connect and discuss some additional topics with other companies

Hi all! Our team at Custom truck really enjoyed the MUGA conference and connecting with other teams while we were there. We had some topics we wanted to discuss in more detail with other companies while we were in attendance at the conference but simply ran out of time. If anyone has some knowledge they are willing to share and are open to connect and discuss any of the below topics that would be great! Please reach out to me at

1. New facility setup of  Read more...MMS002. Currently when we setup a new facility and copy MITBAL records from one warehouse to another. This leads us to have a very large MITBAL table. Many of the items are in status 10 that we don’t use. We do this to copy standard cost, purchasing agreement into the new facility at the same time. This way the item status can be quickly flipped to 20 when used. We are curious if anyone has found a better way of doing this?

2. How do other M3 customers handle M3’s FIFO. We don’t think FIFO is possible as most of our inventory is not lot controlled.

3. Our system transaction time is 6 hours ahead but we would prefer a time zone of CST or EST on the transactions when reviewing data in the tables. Is there a way to do this? Assuming DRS045 might be involved.

4. For our lot controlled exchange items we don't need complicated lot numbers. We would like to default the lot number as NEW when the items are received in PPS300 but we haven't found a way to default that value. We are curious if anyone knows of configuration to do this.  Show less...
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Group: *MUGA
Elaine Stewart Vince
Missed the CUGEX session at MUGA? Not a problem!

We had a great time at Myrtle Beach exploring how CUGEX and Customer Defined Fields (CDFs) are important for companies that have specific data needs not addressed by standard fields in Infor M3.

If you weren’t able to join, or if you want a refresher, we’ve uploaded three training videos for you!

📌 Watch the sessions here:

These videos cover:

✅ Part 1: CUGEX in Infor M3 tutorial showing how to create Customer Defined Fields (CDFs) and add the fields to a panel without modifying core M3.

✅ Part 2: How to export the Customer Defined Fields from M3 using Vince Excel.

✅ Part 3: How to update the Customer Defined Fields in M3 using Vince Excel.

Check them out and let us know your thoughts! If you have any questions or want to dive deeper, we’re happy to chat.

#InforM3 #CUGEX #MUGA #ERP #ExcelIntegration #DataMaintenance

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Group: Vince
The concept of community-driven innovation hinges on the idea that when people come together, they bring their unique perspectives, experiences, and expertise to the table. Think about that😀

This diversity of thought is key to solving complex problems. What one person may see as an insurmountable obstacle, another may view as an exciting challenge. By collaborating, communities are able to approach problems from multiple angles and uncover new possibilities.

 Read more...Community conversations, whether they happen online or in person, serve as a platform for ideas to be shared, refined, and improved. In brainstorming sessions, for example, the cross-pollination of ideas often leads to creative breakthroughs. A simple suggestion from one individual can spark a chain reaction, inspiring others to build on it, tweak it, and ultimately develop a solution that is both practical and visionary. Show less...
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Group: WorkOutLoud

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