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Infor AI: Serving solutions for Food & Beverage businesses
Infor AI, embedded into Infor CloudSuite, is revolutionizing the food & beverage industry—from farm to fork. Smarter demand planning, reduced waste, o...
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
Author: Fortude
The Power of Collective Action
Friday, February 14th, 2025
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Monday, February 17th, 2025
Monday, February 17th, 2025
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We had a great conversation on our discussion group call yesterday. If you missed it, you can find the recording at Mike Wolfe with Engis shared about a new third party ETL tool that his company is using to move data from Data Lake into their data warehouse. Arun Kumar from Oldcastle did a quick show-and-tell on how they are using In-Context widgets and Enterprise Search to expand  Read more...the functionality of list panels. Both of these were ad hoc conversations in response to comments or questions made during the call. Your voice is needed ... and heard!

On that note, I am looking for ideas or topics for our upcoming calls. If you have any questions or topics you would like to see discussed, please email me at will do my best to find someone familiar with the topic to participate in the call.

Finally, we will not be having a call during the month of March. Instead, I look forward to meeting you all at the M3UGA conference in Myrtle Beach the 17th through 19th. We will be picking up our calls again in April with a presentation on MT Cloud Service Tiers, so keep an eye out for that announcement.  Show less...
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Load Item Text Using SQL Insert and update

This maybe a bit confusing, please hang in there. I am trying to migrate Item Master records from one M3 to another. Lots of those records have text. So, I loaded the Header text in MSYTXH and text lines in MSYTXL based on the last TXID on those tables. Lastly, I updated the MITMAS/MMTXID accordingly in the Item Master for each Item number. The problem I am having is when I open the Item in MMS001, it shows that it has text (Paper Clip on the text icon) but I also see an Exclamation Mark  Read more...on the Action menu. When I open text, it is empty. When I step out of text, the Paper clip is gone. When I check the tables after that, MMTXID is 0, MSYTXH record is gone and MSYTXL are still there.  Show less...
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Group: *MUGA



Foreign Exchange Variance is getting comingled with Pure Purchase Price Variance

Hi All!!

I was wondering if I could get some assistance reviewing this enhancement request.

At CTOS we have Distribution Orders that cross borders to and from the US and Canada. When we ship product from the US to Canada the Goods in Transit gets hit at one Foreign Exchange (FX) rate and another FX rate when the order is received into inventory.

For varying reasons the base standard cost is not always the same from facility to facility. Thus, Purchase  Read more...Price Variance (PPV) will exist at an intercompany level. Because M3 does not have a set of accounting rules that trigger Pure PPV and FX Variance separately, they both get booked to the same account by default.

The impact to the business is significant because it presents challenges when trying to analyze true cost and using our findings for procurement and standard cost maintenance. The other side of the transaction is the difficulty getting to the value of the FX variance.

We are seeking an Infor Enhancement to create the appropriate Accounting rules that separate Foreign Exchange Variance from the total variance. Show less...
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Group: *MUGA

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