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Please see below my Santa's wish list:
ERS: 114048 for Mass Update Master Data by User (replacement for CRS800).
With Cloud Version we lost the ability to run CRS800 for mass update M3 master data tables.
CRS800 was not perfect because it was NOT checking the validity of the data updated, so needed a replacement.
But there is definitively a need for key users to be able to Read more...mass update master data in a controlled way, inside the solution (even if using API).
IT can run API templates via Business Engine Files and EVS100, but more technical.
Infor Services offer Smart Data tool, Vince offers Vince VXL ( These are licensed.
ERS 114055 Bulk Allocation
Note even if you are not Fashion you might be using Bulk for stock “protection”
MMS120 allows visibility of all orders from material plan, and allows to manage allocation for most order category except Bulk.
Bulk allocation has to be managed from MMS080 item by item, order by order.
MMS120 does display the bulk but the allocation field is not open.
At a bare minimum we would want to have MMS120MI work with order category 030.
MMS080 by item and then for each order 1 at a time.
Use CO on manual credit hold (to not ship) in order to manage in MMS120.
Develop a custom API MMS120MI and an H5 App.
ERS 114056 Need New toolboxes for planned orders DPS170, PPS170, PMS170 (and PMS100)
A lot of M3 screen have gotten an overhaul with capability to look other tables from CMS005 (ex: PPS220, OIS302, MMS002).
But the planned orders DPS170, PPS170, PMS170 are still old schools: limited number of columns, no possibility to link related tables.
PMS100 would actually need an upgrade.
Business Impact
MRP adoption is low because user do not have the right information handy in order to make the planning decision.
Development time is needed for custom screens.
Design custom screen CMS010/CMS015, and add them in Customer Experience or H5 Apps (SDK).
ERS 111955 Invoice matching of external PO charges
Functional Process:
Company buying goods from far east incur a lot of inbound charges.
Lately these charges have been very variable, impacting greatly the cost of goods.
M3/Cloud Suite allows a very good configuration to generate estimated charges in PO.
But when the charges are external by 3rd party (configuration in PPS280/E) then the invoice matching becomes a nightmare.
For some companies it is very important to trace these charges as external in order to stay close to reality for the product cost.
Current M3 functionality:
When an invoice is received for a PO Line charge user must drill down to individual PO Line charge in APS361 to blank out quantity for charges that do not apply to that invoice.
Transportation and Customs invoices can reference hundreds of PO Line.
Customer Requirement for ERS:
Simplify invoice matching of PO Line charges by allowing to distribute variance to the appropriate element directly from APS360
ERS 111956 Allow selection of Delivery Note and Supplier Order Number during invoice matching
Current M3 functionality:
During import process PO Lines are grouped into Containers & Shipments.
M3 allows to have to reference fields: Delivery Note & Supplier Order Number that can be used in APS350 for selecting hundreds of PO Line.
BUT these fields are only available if the PO has been received.
Unfortunately, with the usual supply chain the goods are on the water and in transit from port to warehouse for a long time, so the invoice should be recorded as soon as the goods are FOB.
Customer Requirement for ERS:
Allow selection of Delivery Note and Supplier Order Number from PO Line, so before the PO is received instead of from FGRECL.
That allows for an automated GL transaction into Invoiced Not Received (INR) and simplifies the invoice recording by selecting one delivery note instead of 100 of PO Lines individually.
ERS 113510 PO printing in matrix format for prepack
When selecting PO printing in matrix format, we need to print the prepacks content also in matrix format.
Out of the box, M3 and IDM are printing SKU in matrix and prepack in list format.
Business Impact
With a lot of prepack on a PO the document can be extremely long and difficult to read. Supplier might deliver wrong content.
In Cloud no work around, in single tenant was a customization with Streamserve. Show less...