If you missed today's call, you missed a terrific session. We had 4 presenters giving us 4 different perspectives on the move from on-prem/single tenant to MT Cloud. Thank you to Marie-Pascale Authié, Jessica Vincent, Jeff Coghlan, and Bala Anantharama for taking the time to share their insights and lessons learned with us. I have uploaded the recording of today's call as well as the presentation decks for you to review or share.

Next month's topic will be Factory Track. Keep an  Read more...eye out for the event announcement, or just send me an e-mail at to be added to the recurring Teams meeting.

Recorded meeting
Oldcastle Slide Deck
MPA2C Slide Deck
Brownells Slide Deck Show less...
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Thank you, John for giving me the opportunity to present some lessons learnt during our On Premise to Cloud Migrations experience with our customers.
