
Fri, March, 22nd 2024

Thank you for everyone who participated in our discussion group yesterday. We had 38 people online at one time! A special thanks to Adam from Master Halco and Gonzalo from Mount Franklin for giving us a peek into their ongoing maintenance process.

A couple of items from the call's chat. First, I mentioned 3 KBs that you should be subscribed to. They are 1952072, 2038003, and 2065737. These are the early announcement KBs and the KB for known defects in the software.

 Read more...Gonzalo also shared a screenshot of the Power BI report that Mount Franklin uses to help manage the testing of feature updates. I have attached that as a file.

Finally, attached is the recording of yesterday's call. Please feel free to share it with anyone who may have missed it. Access it by clicking on the file name below the report screenshot.

I look forward to our next call. If anyone has any topics they would like to see covered or something they would like to share, please let me know! Show less...
M3 On-Prem to MT Cloud Discussion group-20240321_140027-Meeting Recording.mp4
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