Tag: leadership (Messages)

Messages 3


Mon, July, 1st 2024


Forum Question/Topic:


Are there users willing to meet and/or share their experience moving from On-Prem to Cloud?

Categorized as:

Specifically any businesses that are similar to us. Would be meeting with our executives as they evaluate if we move to cloud.
Manufacturing distribution business using Optiva and M3, with 300-600 users. Mid-size business between $250-500 EBIDTA.
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Hopefully you will find someone who can match up to what you are looking for. In the meantime, I facilitate a monthly On Prem to MT Cloud call where we discuss the move, lessons learned, etc. If you are interested, please let me know and I will add you to the invite list.
Yes I would love to join and see what I can learn. kchaudoin@betterbeing.com
Hey John - let @loringkaveney know when you are ready or if we can help promote your monthly event. Awesome initiative! #leadership
@ericlopez I'm not sure what you mean. Is there a way to do a group call through WOL? Presently it is a Teams call.
Actually we can do a "venue" (WOL streaming), however, we can at minimum simply add a recurring calendar entry that would show up on our calendars and store your teams call information. Several options for you as a customer (not a vendor). Please contact Loring @ loring.kaveney@workoutloud.com (or me at eric.lopez@workoutloud.com) if you want to discuss some options. No charge for M3 customers.
@johnpanzenhagen I spoke to @stevebartlett and he thinks it would be a great idea to host a "Venue" webinar in the community and allow others to register for the webinar. Please email me to continue that conversation: loring.kaveney@workoutloud.com.
Hi, Is this meeting still happening? I would be interested in this topic also.
@debhess this was the topic for our call in May. You can find the recording of it at https://m3uga.workoutloud.com/cloud/77444. I expect that we will probably be doing this topic again, I'm just not sure when.
Wed, March, 14th 2018

RT @IndustryWeek: Why won’t my boss embrace lean? An epiphany #lean #sixsigma #leadership
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Tue, November, 28th 2017

RT @JJuskoIW: “Read today's Continuous Improvement newsletter from @IndustryWeek now #lean #leadership”
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