


NEED YOUR HELP ON ER 117115 To Add Accounting Number to Manufacturing Order Labor Transactions

We need your help. we have just submitted an enhancement request to facilitate the accurate review of absorption as it relates to labor being posted to manufacturing orders. We need the ability link the GL transaction back to the individual time transaction applied to the manufacturing orders. We are currently able to do this today for work orders but for some reason the manufacturing orders do not populate the available field. The technical request is to take the value in TABLE: CINACC Read more.../FIELD:EZANBR and populate that into TABLE: MWOPTR/FIELD: DJANBR. The field is already available in the system. It just seems like this linkage was left out of the programming.

Please, please vote to pass this enhancement along. It makes no sense to us that the field already exists as it does on work orders but they do not populate it as they do for work orders. Show less...
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