


Would like to connect and discuss some additional topics with other companies

Hi all! Our team at Custom truck really enjoyed the MUGA conference and connecting with other teams while we were there. We had some topics we wanted to discuss in more detail with other companies while we were in attendance at the conference but simply ran out of time. If anyone has some knowledge they are willing to share and are open to connect and discuss any of the below topics that would be great! Please reach out to me at

1. New facility setup of  Read more...MMS002. Currently when we setup a new facility and copy MITBAL records from one warehouse to another. This leads us to have a very large MITBAL table. Many of the items are in status 10 that we don’t use. We do this to copy standard cost, purchasing agreement into the new facility at the same time. This way the item status can be quickly flipped to 20 when used. We are curious if anyone has found a better way of doing this?

2. How do other M3 customers handle M3’s FIFO. We don’t think FIFO is possible as most of our inventory is not lot controlled.

3. Our system transaction time is 6 hours ahead but we would prefer a time zone of CST or EST on the transactions when reviewing data in the tables. Is there a way to do this? Assuming DRS045 might be involved.

4. For our lot controlled exchange items we don't need complicated lot numbers. We would like to default the lot number as NEW when the items are received in PPS300 but we haven't found a way to default that value. We are curious if anyone knows of configuration to do this.  Show less...
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Hi Ryan,
Just to chime in a couple of thoughts:

1) It is not uncommon companies to have custom apps (SDKs, Mongoose apps, whatever platform of choice) to copy items from one facility to another. This way they can quickly move a single item from one warehouse to another and make sure all of the necessary steps like costing, purchase agreements, product structures, etc. are done in an efficient and controlled way. Looking into something like that could prevent the need to  Read more...copy everything upfront while still making it simple to "flip a switch" to get an item active in a new warehouse.

2) FIFO is hard for non-lot controlled items, but not impossible. You just have to make sure different lots are never mixed in the same M3 location / container so that each lot can preserve it's own priority date. Older priority dates are then allocated first, preserving FIFO.

4) You could probably build an H5 script to set the lot # to a fixed value, but otherwise M3 is just going to follow the lot # rule. You could build a rule that would always give NEW as a fixed value, but I think that can only be applied at the "item type" level which not be granular enough for what you are doing.
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Hi everyone!

I was out sick yesterday and am working on reading, testing, learning, and responding to everyone's responses. I appreciate the time everyone took out of their day and it makes me really appreciate this MUGA community. I'm working to respond to each one as soon as I can.

Thank you!
Sent you an email Ryan.
Hi Ryan - I dropped you an email with some detail.
Thanks all! @heatherczachor I will follow up with you when I get to the final answer! I will say I think this happened when we adjusted the DRS045 &SYS zone when moving to MT cloud but I need to dig around some more to confirm.
We would also be curious on what you discover related to bullet 3. With the system being in UTC time and our warehouses in the appropriate time zone we are having issues with performing cost adjustments. The warehouse transactions will post in EST but the cost adjustment happens 5 hours ahead so if a sale happens in that 5 hour time period the COGS is not correct and we have discrepancy in the inventory reporting (CAS530).
Hi Ryan. I don't have much to give you but we do use generic serial numbers when receiving some products. Because the item is lot controlled, the serial number must be unique so we have a prefix followed by a number. In your case, you would set up a serial number rule to be NEW0000000001, for example.
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