


Délivery issue with backorder

In M3, on MWS010 (closing point = 300), when we validate the picking list, if there are unassigned items on the delivery index, these items do not appear on the delivery note because the index splits upon validation, and the delivery note no longer has the information about the total remaining quantity of the order. However, on the picking list, the remaining quantities are still displayed. How can we show both the delivered items and those that are remaining on the delivery note? Is there a  Read more...parameter, or rather a field or a table related in CMS006, that allows us to do this? Show less...
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Group: *MUGA

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Thank you , but , i know this parameter in CRS721, the flag is already checked, the delivery notes contains only the partiel items backorders and not the total items backorder( never deliveries) of the sale order. because the delivey index is closed when the picling list is approved. so, the deliverie index no longer contains the total items backorders, brecause this one, is on other next index . Thanks anyway
CRS721 > Backorder Info flag should do what you're asking
