


Load Item Text Using SQL Insert and update

This maybe a bit confusing, please hang in there. I am trying to migrate Item Master records from one M3 to another. Lots of those records have text. So, I loaded the Header text in MSYTXH and text lines in MSYTXL based on the last TXID on those tables. Lastly, I updated the MITMAS/MMTXID accordingly in the Item Master for each Item number. The problem I am having is when I open the Item in MMS001, it shows that it has text (Paper Clip on the text icon) but I also see an Exclamation Mark  Read more...on the Action menu. When I open text, it is empty. When I step out of text, the Paper clip is gone. When I check the tables after that, MMTXID is 0, MSYTXH record is gone and MSYTXL are still there.  Show less...
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Jeremy, Thank you for your response. I didn't know that there is an API for Text. I was looking under MMS200MI. I am doing most of the Text Load using SQL Inserts. But 10 minutes before I opened your response, I figured out what the problem is. It was a stupid typo where I was loading MSYTXH with company 001 and MSYTXL with company 100. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Appreciate your help.
Sam, I've run into the same issue but I still can't tell you exactly what the fix is. I believe it's something along the lines of you trying to inherit a TXID that was copied from another environment, but by opening the text block in the new environment, M3 is generating a new TXID anyway (or resetting it to 0 as you haven't actually created any input to save). Attached are my instructions for doing what you're after. If I were you, I would be generating fresh TXIDs in the new environment,  Read more...tying those to the MMS001 records, then loading text. Show less...
M3 API to add text to MMS001.docx
