


Item Substitution Enhancement Request

Before I submit this in the ER system, I'd like to get feedback from the group.

We have item substitution requirements that are mandated by the manufacturer. These substitution rules are very complex and do not fit in with standard M3 item substitution or hierarchies. We are presently on-prem 13.4 and have modifications for MCOs, WOs, and POs that perform these substitution rules and update the order. This would also apply to COs, although we currently do not  Read that. We need to be able to apply our own business logic in these cases. I would like to see a functional exit point that would allow you to execute an ExtendM3 API that would substitute the correct item number based on the business rules in the API. The exit point would happen immediately after any time the standard M3 substitution process takes place. This request is for the exit point, and not the API.

Business Impact
This is the core of our business. The substitution process is truly unique to the type of work we do and the manufacturers that we work with. It is proprietary to our business, and as such, we cannot have the specific logic built into M3 proper.

Work Around
We currently have modifications in our system to perform this in 13.4. Without being able to control the substitution process, we are unable to perform our base business processes. Show less...
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Group: *MUGA

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