


Some end of year tasks that may be overlooked

As the new year approaches, in addition to finance's year end activities, don't forget to check the expiration dates on various items such as agreements, price lists, etc. Also, be sure that your employee calendars (CRS510) and work schedules (CRS515) are generated for the new year.
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If you happen to lose forecast in MMS080, check to see your system Calendar CRS910 has the proper horizon in the future to cover your forecast horizons
Thanks, Qiang! We actually just started the process of setting up and implementing that functionality with a project. I'm adding DPS002 to the list now, as it will be something we need to check starting with next year's calendar turn. Thanks for the note!
Also add dates to DPS002 (via DPS001) if distribution calendar is used.

I've been documenting programs that we've encountered related to the maintenance of system calendars and effective or end dates on records (i.e. price lists, agreements, work centers, specifications, etc.). We are trying to develop a comprehensive checklist that we can use to confirm any update needs at the end of each year.

I have a decent list of programs compiled but I am confident that I am still not capturing all instances that would require an update on  Read more...a regular basis to keep everything working. Are you aware of any type of system architecture list that might have all the places that dates or calendars need to be set up, and therefore maintained, within M3?

Below, for reference, is the list of programs that we have been able to identify/compile so far as needing updates to calendars. Any insight or help with this would be appreciated.

CRS510 Employee Connected Calendar
CRS515 Work Schedule
CRS526 Employee Change Calendar
MFS165 Internal Invoice Series
PDS034 Shift Pattern
PDS015 Work Center Capacity
CRS530 Person
PPS135 Period for Consignment Invoice
DRS045 Time Zone
QMS100 Test Template
QMS200 Specification
QMS201 Specification Test
CRS900 System Calendar
PPS100 Purchase Agreement

Derek Show less...
Thanks John! This is a great reminder.
