Has anyone developed work around for timeout of session in receipt programs causing status issues?
We are frequently forced to perform database updates to correct statuses due to users performing receipts in programs PPS300, MWS445, and put away transactions in MWS460 and not closing the program. When they leave for the day, the session is eventually terminated by M3 and the inventory transactions happen, but the order line statuses are not updated and in the case of PPS300 the PPS330 receipt record is not created. We are working Enhancement Requests to try and get a final solution for this
Read more...but curious if anyone has experienced the same and what temporary solution was used if any? Thanks! Show less...
113685 https://mingle-portal.us2.prd3.inforcloudsuite.com/v2/CONCIERGE_PRD/?LogicalId=lid://infor.cxp.1&Tab=ERS&ERId=113685
111309 Read more... https://mingle-portal.us2.prd3.inforcloudsuite.com/v2/CONCIERGE_PRD/?LogicalId=lid://infor.cxp.1&Tab=ERS&ERId=111309 Show less...