


When using pre-allocation - can a change in the purchase order quantity automatically update the customer order quantity

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We have customer orders that we have preallocated to purchase orders. Often times the purchase order quantity will not match the customer order quantity but it is a make to order transaction, so we want to ship everything to the customer that we received on the purchase order.

Is it possible to automatically update the CO when there is a change in the PO quantity during confirmation, ASN reporting and receipt?
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Group: *MUGA

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Hi Simon, I don't believe this is possible via normal M3 functionality. Supply Chain configurations can adjust the upstream order quantities based on demand changes, but I'm not sure the reverse is true where a demand order could be changed because the supply order changed. To get that result, you'd probably have to build something.

As workarounds, you could adjust CO settings to not allow backorders so that you could close any shortage quantity and allow over-issuing so that  Read more...excess could still be delivered and invoiced to the customer even if they ordered less. Show less...
