


Lot Blending Expiration Date Settings

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Hello everyone,

Our business utilizes lot blending and we've encountered a limitation with this transaction/functionality. With lot blending, M3 standard logic is configured for the newly created lot (3rd lot) inheriting the oldest lot's (1st lot) expiration date. In the chemical industry, it is standard for the new lot number (3rd lot) to inherit the newer manufacture date characteristics (2nd lot) rather than the older lot (1st lot).

We would like the ability to  Read more...specify if the lot blending transaction should inherit the older lot or newer lot characteristics when lot blending is performed.

In an effort to get this functionality added to M3, we have created an enhancement request in Infor Concierge. We would greatly appreciate any additional endorsements of this change as it would greatly benefit the workflow of our business process.

Here is the link to the Enhancement Request:

Thank you in advance! Show less...
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Doyle is correct - 113534 is the correct ER # for this request.

We recognize the needs but currently we have no planned roadmap items in this area and we do not expect to be able to address this need within the next 12-18 months.

We will need to see more endorsements from other Chemical customers to validate this is the common practice in Chemical industry before we can add this to our roadmap.

