


Order stop codes

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Option not allowed. The delivery has been stopped with stop code C03. Can someone please send over a list of all these codes and what they each mean?
Delivered Read
Group: Columbus

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Hi Darren,

I noticed your post and thought I would respond!

So to give a bit of a background on Delivery Stop codes, these codes are updated at different points in the dispatching process, based on how the dispatch policy for the order type is set up.

There are different types of delivery stop codes and each of them has a different meaning, the possible list of stop codes is listed below.

Once the issue has been addressed for example a  Read limit 3 breach, as indicated in your question of a stop code block of C03, then in MWS410 select the affected delivery and press the related option 30 (Trigger delivery stop check). The system will re-validate if it can proceed with processing the delivery.

Here is a link to Infor Documents that explains this in a little bit more detail:

A - Allocation Checks:
A01 = Allocation check failed. Not all lines with the same joint delivery code are fully allocated.
A02 = Allocation check failed. Not all lines on the delivery are fully allocated.
A03 = At least one order line requires price authorization in (OIS337).

B - Freight Cost Checks
B01 = Freight cost not activated. (CRS728)
B02 = Forwarding agent missing on delivery. (MWS410)
B03 = Forwarding agent not active. (CRS620)
B04 = Agreement missing on delivery. (MWS410)
B05 = Freight agreement not valid. (PPS100)
B06 = Freight cost distribution not activated in agreement header. (PPS100)
B07 = CO charge ID is missing in agreement header. (PPS100)
B08 = No valid transportation ID found (incorrect status, invalid date). (PPS101)
B09 = No freight cost element with CO charge ID. (PPS105)
B10 = CO charge missing on order. (OIS103)
B11 = CO charge not preliminary. (OIS103)
B20 = Freight cost not confirmed. (DRS500)
B21 = Amount on freight purchase order is zero. (DRS500)

C - Customer Order stop codes
C01 = CO stop. Credit limit 1.
C02 = CO stop. Credit limit 2.
C03 = CO stop. Credit limit 3.
C04 = CO stop. Credit limit 4.
C05 = CO stop. Connected to letter of credit.
C06 = CO stop. Time fence credit limit issue.
C07 = CO stop. Stop manually set.
C08 = CO stop. Stop manually set.
C09 = Blocked payer on order.
C10 = Delivery not fully paid.

D - Order authorization
D01 = Authorization required on order.

E – Transportation interface checks
E01 = Transportation interface stop. The transportation indicator on the shipment, to which this delivery is connected, enforces a delivery stop.
E02 = Delivery disconnected from shipment. The shipment from which this delivery was disconnected had a transportation service with the 'Transportation interface control' parameter in (DRS025) activated at the moment of disconnection. The stop code disappears from the delivery when using the related option 30-'Trigger delivery stop check' in (MWS410). No other actions are required.

R- Rental checks
R01 = Rental delivery stop. There is an open work order.

Hope this was helpful!
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