


Check your number series

Be sure to check your number series to ensure that they are not being used up. If they reach the maximum number, functions will stop working. You can use CRS165 to view this. The last column shows you the percentage of numbers used. This number may not be accurate for the following number sequences as they will automatically loop back to the starting number and try to find unused numbers:
• 01 (only number series Y)
• 10 (only number series 1)
• 11 (only number  Read more...series 1, 2 and 6)
• 18
• 19 (Depending on the number of records used by MPDMAT and MPDOPE)
• 20 (Depending on a parameter in CRS780/E)
• 21 (Depending on the MPLIND (PPS330) records available. If there is not room in MPLIND to reset the Series then MPLIND must be archived with PPS095.)
• 26
• 35
• 36
• 37 (Depends on number of records in MDOPLP)
• 38 (Depends on the number of records in MWOPLA. If there is not enough room, work orders must be archived)
• 69
• 77
Once the number series hits the maximum number, it resets itself and looks for unused numbers.
For example, my CRS165 shows 90% of the numbers in series 19/1 are used. The total number of records in MPDMAT and MPDOPE are 2,080,905 which is actually 23% of the series. On the other hand, number series 38 is showing 27% of the series used, but there are actually 7,534,592 records in MWOPLA which is 75%.
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@johnpanzenhagen that is correct that the percentage only tells how close M3 is to using the last number in the series- comparing the "Last Used" number to the "Final number". It does not make any judgement on total number of records in a table that the number series is related to.
That percentage reported is not necessarily accurate for the lists above. While series 38 only shows 27% used, the actual number is 75% because it is reusing existing numbers.
CRS165 includes a percentage that tracks how utilized a number series is. Regular reporting or alerts to track which series are above 90% is generally a good idea.
