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Thank you for this detail. In our situation, we are trying to build that "instant" confirmation for the customer order. Currently we do use a 5-day PTF. There is definitely some cleanup we need to do with our capacity planning that is impacting our plan.
Appreciate the feedback!
ATP checks on manufactured items don't naturally factor in material availability. There is some configurations you can play around with to turn it on, it's the same basic process as checking for production capacity before calculating lead time. But MTP and CTP calculations configurations get quite complicated and can be cumbersome to implement. A simpler solution is to include the "buffer" time in the planning time fence and then let the production planners/ Read more...schedulers move the order in according to material availability. So lead time = 2 days, PTF = 5 days, MOP proposal created at 5 days out, MO rescheduled when it's released in PMS170. Works best if you don't need to provide instant ATP/ order confirmation to the customer. Show less...