


Factory Track: web vs. app

Anybody have recent experience and can speak to speed/performance differences between Factory Track on the web vs. the app? We're considering the app, and wondering if the juice is worth the squeeze.
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Same sort of comments as Will. For us it had better presentation, more consistent behaviors, little faster, etc. Login experience did change for us though--options are Infor OS password or SSO--we lost the ability to use a password assigned in the FT User page.
From what I have heard, the app is slightly faster, has a larger screen area, and offers a more optimized experience since it allows for different configurations for different pieces of hardware (soft keyboard vs hard one, camera vs scanner, etc). I'm not sure how all of the administrative pieces like SSO work though. I would suggest to at least try it for yourself and see if it works for y'all. I used the Infor quick start guide and had a demo of it on my phone in under an hour.
