


How do you handle preproduction MOs?

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Our product development team wants to be able to run preproduction versions of existing and new products through our manufacturing line to validate production, among other reasons. In order to do this, they are creating MOs for future dates manually and then releasing them. This then leads to those products being manufactured, finished and put away because there is no indicator that they are not for production use. MRP similarly counts them as either WIP or finished goods for its calculations.  Read more...We currently manufacture to inventory without any lot tracking in M3.

Is anyone aware of a way to be able to run these MOs without them being 'mistaken' for production MOs? The solution we're looking at is to have attribute on the family item as 'preproduction' or something similar to essentially create a different part, but would love other ideas. Show less...
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We have a configured item, and manage it that way--doesn't let us test some of our other settings, but it's order-initiated and lot-controlled, and won't get allocated to anything else. Allows us to manufacture whatever we need, on demand, with a flexible BOM.
Simplest solution I can think of - change the reporting location on the MO (PMS100/E) so that instead of going to the normal warehouse location it goes to a hold location or an engineer's desk or something. Would also suggest to use a different MO order type if you are not already to get some additional transparency on the process.
