Situation: I'm in warehouse ABC pick/pack/shipping a picking list through FactoryTrack. At the end of the process, I'm outputting delivery documents to accompany the shipment (BOL and delivery note). There is one printer in my warehouse where all these documents should print to. There are also warehouses DEF and GHI, whose docs should print to their respective printers.
Question: What am I missing in M3 that can hardcode a specific printer by the stock zone/warehouse of a picking
Read more...list/delivery for a document? Pre-Cloud we managed this via Streamserve scripting and the maintenance was a pain/open to errors. Yet, I don't see a better solution in CE.
I don't want to manage through MNS205 by user as that's way too much administration. I don't want to let users define their own printers in FT as they will screw it up. I don't see a way of managing through CRS945 (doc 900/00, for example, seems tailored only for distributing the document to a customer's email). MMS040 printer definition is only for the picking list.
What is everyone else doing that expects this doc output automation and has multiple warehouses? Show less...
All of that being said, I don't think it necessarily matters. Only place I know it's used is in a FactoryTrack screen (oh maybe THAT's where it is!!)--if it's printing what it thinks is a label, it pulls the default label printer from the user's FT parameters and displays Read in that FT screen. Show less...