


Preprinted Check Stock with IDM with M3CE

It seems we cannot guarantee the sequence number of checks with IDM when using pre-printed check stock. Anyone else discover this and have a work around?

We are sending a batch of checks on preprinted check stock, however IDM does not print on the page in the order we expect. We only know this because we have preprinted checks which don't match the check number in M3.
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We found this issue when trying to print 2 copies of the same check (one real check and one copy).
We spent forever with IDM Team and M3 Team and to our knowledge the only work around is to set the IDM output to ‘not split’ (CMS005 or CMS006 I think) – but that puts one large file into IDM, which is not what most people would want.

When sending individual files, we found the issue is actually with the printer spooler itself – M3 sends in order, but we couldn’t  Read more...figure out how to force the printer to print in the same order and we tried all kinds of setting changing in EC Connector as well as the printer drivers themselves.

If anyone figure this out… please let us know. Our poor finance team has to reorder our check to attached to supporting documentation every week ☹…. Show less...
Denise if you can follow up with me that would be good as we are close to ordering new checks. Steve did you get anywhere?
Jim, I have spoken to our accounting department as we do use pre-printed checks. They have not run into this issue. If I recall, there was a setting to maintain but for the life of me I don't recall where that was. I will look around to see if I can find unless Denise has a quick answer.
Jim, we were able to provide a client with parameter settings in order to solve this. Let me know and I can put you in touch with our folks.
