


VAT Exception rules

Could someone help me decide whether TXS020 is less helpful than it could be or that I'm missing something?

I'm trying to setup some very basic VAT exceptions like: If an order line/delivery ships from Belgium and delivers to Germany, do X. If an order line/delivery ships from Belgium to Belgium, do Y. I have tried both Base Country and From/To Country in combo and separately, but they seem to both register as the country of the departure warehouse only (or maybe even the country  Read more...of the main warehouse of the facility??).

Am I using these in the wrong way? Is there a simpler configuration to use? Thank you Show less...
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Group: *MUGA

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Ignore this, problem solved after days wasted. VAT rules consider the setup of the Delivery Terms--I was using a term configured as the customer picking the order up at our facility, meaning that the To Country was being registered the same as the Base Country, and not the ship-to country of the customer order.
