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Our troubleshooting for this issue took place in November of 2023, so unfortunately it seems I won't be able to speculate what could have changed/caused the increased runtime. In our case, this change in CRS797 did the trick and we saw an immediate impact on runtime the following MRP run.
If you have any other related questions or comments, feel free to reach out. I'm glad you're in the process of testing this as a solution to the issue!
It may be worth checking CRS797 to see how many parallel MRP jobs can run at once. We had faced some issues with MRP runtimes in the past, and increasing this value alleviated the issue. Please consult Infor Concierge/IMS for best practices, a good reference is KB 2033035 - "M3 BE Best Practices - MRP M3 Materials Requirents Planning (MRP) - Optimizing Performance" in the Concierge Portal.
We are in M3 Multi-Tenant Cloud, forget if I said.
Just FYI, I did check SHS300 and I do not see any increase. Customer use to have MRP for 6h on prem, now only 2h and consistent since upgrade.