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For companies operating M3 on-premises and utilizing InforOS and XI Platforms, upgrading to Local Technology Runtime (LTR) is required by Infor by the...
Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
Author: Umesh Patil
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Monday, September 9th, 2024
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Monday, September 16th, 2024
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Brian Hillman
about 7 Days ago
Latest reply on: 09/12/2024 by: Adam Pringnitz, Msg: Can't wait!
Topic posted in Group: *MUGA
Brenda Lins
about 7 Days ago
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Sam Haidar
about 23 Days ago
Latest reply on: 09/11/2024 by: Jonathan Tran, Msg: Hi Sam, the terminology for requisition orders in M3 is essentially what inventory managers or controllers call stock adjustments and stock movements....
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I can see many advantages in the Birst product and its integration with M3 in Mashups and Drill backs. I can see many advantages in using Microsoft Power BI to retrieve data from our ETL 15min refreshed SQL database, and many more people know this tool. If something else, what are you using?

Your answer is appreciated.


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Microsoft Power BI
Something else?
Benjamin Leon likes this.
Hello Jim - We moved this post to MUGA home so you can get some additional traction with your question.

Thank you for using the POLL feature.

We are using Birst but we are currently in M3 single tenant so we don't have the drill back functions. We are also reviewing our BI options for when we move to multi-tenant, unsure we will stay with Birst at this point.
Please click the button to "take the poll" Thank you.
Jim, can I assume you are on M3 multi-tenant? If so, I'd suggest you get help understanding what is already built for you by INFOR. Yes it can be complex, but it has a lot of value. Just a little help is essential to get you off the ground with BIRST/M3 Analytics.
If your preference is using your in-house skills to build your data pipelines then go for Power BI. Just keep in mind that you will need to do it all from scratch. Over time, you will likely end up putting a significant effort  Read more...and $$ on your backend data platform.
The third items to consider is timing. INFOR's Data roadmap has a few very exciting offerings that will tilt the scales and make your decision easier.
Hope this helps. Show less...
Currently we are still on the old Infor BI but are leaning towards Power BI here.
We're M3 multi-tenant cloud. When we started (about 2 yr ago), we looked at both Birst and Power BI; at the time, Birst didn't seem very robust for M3. Since our data is accessible in a SQL database, and because we have some internal resources well-versed in Power BI, we went the BI route.
We looked at BIRST a few times during our M3 multi-tenant implementation. We we're using SQL Server Analysis Services with Reporting and Integration Services prior to M3. So we brought on Power BI and then adjusted our data warehouse ODS source connections from our old ERP system to using the INFOR DataLake API's. This is working out very well for us as a reporting and analytics solution, though data streaming is not in play, YET. Our next step is to move to the MS Azure Data Fabric as we  Read more...already have a presence there. Show less...
We partnered with StarPoint on our Power BI implementation for M3 and other data sources and continue to have a positive experience. Our data warehouse currently resides in on-premises SQL, but we hope to kick of a POC for MS Fabric soon. If anyone else has experience or interest in Fabric, please hit me up.
Thank you Jim for using WorkOutLoud to post a question and extra credit for adding a poll. We hope you learned some new information and had some fun at tha same time.

To all - posting questions are easy - we suggest doing them in a group such as this group and/pr in the forum area. You can see the reach you will get.

Also - if you want to do a poll, they are easy - we will add a post/knowledgebase page w/ a video next week to share how it is.

ETL Tool from Datalake to on premise Enterprise Data Warehouse. Use Qliksense for visualizations.

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