On-Prem to MT Cloud Discussion Group - Migration Lessons
When: Thursday, May 16th, 2024 from 2:00 to 3:00 (US/Eastern)
On-Prem to MT Cloud Discussion Group - Migration Lessons


The topic for discussion this month will be about migrating to MT Cloud. There are many things to consider in doing the cloud migration, and those that have already done it have learned some vital lessons. Bala Anantharama from ICCG will share some experiences that they have had helping to move clients to MT Cloud. Jeff Coghlan with Brownells will talk about what they learned when they did the migration, and Jessica Vincent with Oldcastle will share the unique perspective of migrating one division at a time, rather than the entire company at one time. After that, we will open the floor for questions and discussion.


DM me or e-mail me at jpanzenhagen@uinitedradio.com to be added to our monthly calls and to get the link for the meeting.



Registration for this event is closed


Thursday, May 16th, 2024 from 2:00 to 3:00 (US/Eastern)



John Panzenhagen
On-Prem to MT Cloud Discussion Group - Migration Lessons
